
Bratislavský hrad (Bratislava castle), Bratislava, 907 Braslavepurch, Brezalauspurc, 1002 Poson, 1042 Prezesburg, 1045 Bosenburg, 1048 Brecesburg, hungarian: Pozsony, german: Pressburg, old slovak: Prešporek, Prešporok
in the downtown of Bratislava
Bratislava, Bratislava 1 county, region Bratislava
Short description
The castle is known from the  beginning of 10th century on an older slavic strong-hold from 9th century. Castle was recontructed in 1956-68. Now there is exposition of The Slovak National Museum and representative halls.
Nearby castles
Devín, Pajštún, Dračí hrádok, Biely kameň, Rusovský hrad
Links to other pages
Bratislava castle  - description, photographs

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